Согласно официальному документу "EMC CLARiiON Integration with VMware ESX":
VMware VMotion is supported with Fibre Channel and iSCSI connectivity to CLARiiON storage systems. Furthermore, VMware VMotion is supported in configuration where both of the following occur:
* A single LUN is presented to two VMware ESX server nodes.
* The ESX server nodes are in a cluster in which one node accesses the LUN via FC and the other node accesses the LUN via iSCSI.
CLARiiON storage systems preserve the LUN HLU number across both protocols. Therefore, when a LUN is presented via FC to one host and iSCSI to another, a false snapshot is not detected.
Иными словами, при использовании систем EMC CLARiiON / VNX это возможно. Кстати, документ очень интересен с технической точки зрения и рекомендуется к прочтению, даже если у вас система не EMC.