Компания EMC добавила в облачный трек Cloud Architect новый учебный курс и сертификацию базового уровня по облакам.
Напомню, что ранее для сертификации по программе EMCCA в качестве базового уровня (Associate) требовался общий курс по управлению информацией EMCISA (E20-001 - Information Storage and Management). Курс безусловно полезный, однако к облакам имеющий отношение отдаленное. Теперь появились специализированный базовый облачный курс Cloud Infrastructure and Services и сертификация EMCCIS (E20-002).
Предполагаемые темы вопросов экзамена EMCCIS:
Journey to the Cloud and Cloud Primer
• Business drivers and characteristics of Cloud
• Phases and activities of journey to the Cloud
• Cloud deployment and service models
• Cloud benefits and challenges
Classic Data Center
• RAID Technology and intelligent storage system
• Storage Networking options: DAS, FC and IP SAN, NAS, FCoE, and unified storage
• Backup and Replication
• Data Center management in classic environment
Virtualized Data Center
• Compute virtualization
• Storage virtualization and virtual provisioning
• Network virtualization including virtual LAN and SAN
• Desktop and application virtualization
• Business Continuity in a virtualized environment
Cloud Services and Management
• Cloud infrastructure, service creation and management
• Cloud security concerns, solution, and best practices
• Best practices and consideration for migration to the Cloud
Помимо этого появился учебный курс высшего уровня Expert (EMCCAe) - IT-as-a-Service Planning and Design, однако экзамен на этот уровень ожидается только в феврале 2012.
This expert-level course provides the knowledge and skills necessary to design cloudbased IT-as-a-Service (ITaaS) solutions. Building on the skills acquired in the Virtualized Data Center and Cloud Infrastructure specialist-level course, it focuses on business, organizational, governance, technology, and service management aspects from a designcentric perspective. By utilizing lecture, discussions, case studies, design examples, and a series of interactive problem-solving labs, students will learn to design solutions which transform business operations and virtualized data centers into ITaaS environments. The course is applicable to enterprise, service provider, and existing virtualized data center operations considering ITaaS. This course uses an open approach focusing on core concepts, principals, and technologies rather than specific products. To provide context, the course includes EMC specific examples and case studies.
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